Your Advanced Search criteria will automatically default to your Match criteria. However, if you want to regularly search with different criteria, or have multiple searches, you can save your Advanced Search criteria to use again. You can save up to 20 different searches.
The Advanced Search is available by clicking "Search" from the top of most pages on the site. To save your search, select your search criteria and type a name for your search in the "Save search as:" box at the bottom of the page. Then click the "Submit" button. Your search criteria are now saved.
To access your saved searches, click the "Saved Searches" tab on the Search page. Clicking the name of your search will automatically perform the search and display the results. You can also rename your saved search, edit your saved search criteria, or delete your saved search by clicking the appropriate link next to the name of the search.
The Advanced Search is available by clicking "Search" from the top of most pages on the site. To save your search, select your search criteria and type a name for your search in the "Save search as:" box at the bottom of the page. Then click the "Submit" button. Your search criteria are now saved.
To access your saved searches, click the "Saved Searches" tab on the Search page. Clicking the name of your search will automatically perform the search and display the results. You can also rename your saved search, edit your saved search criteria, or delete your saved search by clicking the appropriate link next to the name of the search.